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New Beginnings

It is often said that when a door closes, another opens.

I'm hoping that there will be some chance of me finding that second door. Academic careers are changing, old faces are disappearing, and comfort zones are being broken completely. One could say that in this life, there are many opportunities disguised as terrible tragedies. I agree, to an extent. In this example, I will be going to the Far East for two weeks, soaking up the final vestiges of my old life. Ironically, I'll be clinging to old faces in far and strange places.

Opportunities like this are strange. In life, we are offered few chances to truly enjoy ourselves, to cast off our prejudices and our fears, and embrace what we feel about ourselves and our world. I feel that travel with good friends helps us reach this zenith of emotional well-being. That is not to say that I do not feel a quiet corner and careful meditation, or loud carefree release do not work either. However, there is something about distance and familiarity that rings a certain harmony in the heart and breaks what would otherwise be considered unbreakable.

Share your own travel experiences, your own experiences of freedom. I would love to hear your inquiries and opinions.

Many well wishes!